Good Things to follow during COVID19

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Following are the few things to consider in order to maintain Health Life:

  • Wash Hands frequently with Soap, Dettol or any Alcohol based sanitizer.
  • Maintain Cleanliness yourself and your surroundings to stay safe.
  • Eat Fresh and Hygienic food  in order to stay safe.
  • Wear Mask compulsorily wherever you go for your safety.
  • Don't go unnecessarily outside.
  • The things you purchase from store or any shops wash several times.
  • Always maintain Social distance atleast 3 feet for your safety.
  • Drink boiled water as it is good for health.
  • Eat healthy food items mainly like fruits and vegetables.
  • Don't touch your face with your hands.
  • Wear the clothes which are neatly washed and dried.
  • Frequently sanitize the things you are using.
  • No Shakehand between each other.
  • Becarefull those people who are having some other problems like sugar,bp etc.
  • Stay Courage always, don't worry too much .


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I am Ajay Bhanu, I have passion to write blogs to share information which might be helpful to you regarding Technology, Gadgets, Inspiring People etc., Purpose of Blog: To share unknown things, to inspire people and also to provide online offer information. Please follow and support me.

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